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Save days and months on sourcing and hiring highly-skilled data and AI engineers
Our precise matching based on prior accomplishments lets you choose from talents and teams 100% relevant to your inquiry.
Not only are payments secured, but your company retains its Intellectual Property, as well as employee legislation consolidated to STRONGMATCH's local policies.
Focus on business while strongmatch does all the paperwork
Plug in your productivity tools and manage remote AI & data teams easily
Payments are secured, your company retains Intellectual Property, employee legislation is done according to local policies.

Strongmatch FAQ

I is completely opposite to job board, you don't publish job or project description and wait for responses, but uploading your inquiry privately so the platform can choose the best suitable engineers from our community.
I is completely opposite to job board, you don't publish job or project description and wait for responses, but uploading your inquiry privately so the platform can choose the best suitable engineers from our community.

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